Monday 4 April 2011

Opening Two-Parter gets Rave Reviews!

The opening two-parter of Doctor Who Series 6 – ‘The Impossible Astronaut’ and ‘Day Of The Moon’ – has just had it’s premiere press launch screening in London, and has received rapturous praise all over the web…

Caitlin Moran (columnist for The Times), for instance, said the following on her Twitter feed:

@caitlinmoran Caitlin Moran“Well, having watched the first two episodes of the new series of Doctor Who, I can tell you it is ALL KICKING OFF.”
 “f you want a writer who can milk every single amusing, heart-breaking possibility of time travel, Stephen Moffat's your man.”
 “River Song does a thing that's so cool, the whole auditorium applauded.”

And former Doctor Who Magazine editor and SJA writer, Clayton Hickman said:

@claytonhickman Clayton Hickman – “Doctor Who and the Impossible Astronaut and the Day of the Moon were even better than I expected. And I expected superbness. Hooray!”

Aaaand film/TV/Heat mag reviewer Boyd Hilton had this to say:

@boydhilton boydhilton – “Enough great stories in the first two new Doctor Who episodes to fill a whole series. Amazing fun and scares.”

And to top it all off, Den Of Geek have given this brilliant SPOILER-FREE review >>>

Looks like we're set for something magnificent!

What are your thoughts on this?
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