Sunday, 22 August 2010

Neil Gaiman Series 6 Script Extract

articleimage_378 Neil Gaiman has updated his online journal with a small extract of the script for his episode for Series Six of Doctor Who. His script was originally meant for Series Five, but it seems Gaiman may have been too ambitious, as the budget for the overall series would not stretch so far.

___________________Is it something people can eat?
___________________(to Doctor)
___________________Shouldn’t you scan it with your screwdriver or something?

___________________Why would I scan food with my screwdriver?

___________________See if it’s safe?

The Doctor leans over, dips his finger into his bowl, tastes it.


___________________Some unusual trace elements, smidge too much background
___________________radiation, but, yeah, very yummy.

Amy is about to try some of his food... he stops her.

THE DOCTOR (cont’d)
___________________No. Don’t put it in your mouth.

___________________Not for humans?


___________________Not for you. Tastes like Marmite on socks.


> Neil Gaiman’s journal

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