As some of you might already know, Doctor Who Fansite is soon getting a brand-new look! I have already decided on the new layout and the colours and fonts I am going to use, now I just need to 'convert' each exsisting section of DWF.
Also, with the new look comes two brand-new sections of DWF: Episode Guides, every single episode from 2005 onwards is here complete with synopsis, videos, etc.
The other new section is Competitions, so far I have added three competitions (but that will get bigger): Caption Competiton; almost everyone knows this one where you come up with a funny and witty caption for a screenshot each week. The second competiton is called Are You A Real Fan? where each time there is a new question about Doctor Who which range through the classic, to new series, but these aren't everyday, easy fandom questions. The third competition is Guess The Episode and it does what it says on the tin, each week I post a new screenshot from any episode of Doctor Who (from 2005) and you guess what episode it's from.
So there you go, a little taster of what's to come with the new look. However, like I said before, I need time to convert all the sections into the new layout, therefore Doctor Who Fansite will be closed from around 7:15pm today and will reopen tomorrow from somewhere between 4:00pm and 8:00pm.