Friday 19 December 2008

Digital Spy Spoilers for 'The Next Doctor'

As usual when Doctor Who episodes are about to air, Digital Spy have revealed a few spoilers for 'The Next Doctor'. Here they are:

1. The mysterious Cybershades can jump quite high.

2. Neither the Doctor nor the Other Doctor recognise each other. But the latter doesn't remember much anyway.

3. There are two words that the Doctor never refuses.

4. The Other Doctor has a TARDIS - and it's magnificent.

5. For a while Rosita becomes the Doctor's companion

6. The script includes the customary line "what about the children?"

7. At least one previous incarnation of the Doctor makes an appearance.

8. Miss Hartigan is a very special lady.

9. The Other Doctor's fobwatch is a very important clue.

10. "I suppose ** *** ***, **** ***** ** *****."

What do you think of these spoilers?
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YES!! - That would be absolutely brilliant!
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