Saturday, 30 August 2008

Caption Competition #1

The first DWF Caption Competition will begin on September 1st (this year, obviously) and end on the 7th. So each Caption Comp will last 1 week.

I am starting it off on a screencap from 'Rose' in Series 1 and continuing from each episode in chronological order (including mini-specials). The winner of each week's wil have their caption displayed on the Caption Competition Archive page, which will be available when #1 has closed.

Enter your caption by putting it in a comment. Only competition entries please, no actual comments on it, just so as not to confuse.

Now think of a caption for this...


  1. Rose following the Doctor towards her future of travelling in tiem and space.

  2. Rose following the Doctor after he saved her live in an Auton attack.

  3. Rose: Don't dis! I like collecting arms!

  4. You're going to do what with my arm?


Do you want Christopher Eccleston back for the 50th Anniversary?
YES!! - That would be absolutely brilliant!
Not sure - I'm not bothered either way, to be honest...
No - it's good to see the back of 'im!
Create your own poll
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